READERS are reminded that they have just one more week to roll up their sleeves, don their aprons and get whisking for our Angel Cakes for Autism campaign.

Together with the National Autistic Society (NAS), the Ealing Times has launched the campaign to raise money for the NAS Sybil Elgar School in Ealing.

Funds are needed to build a new catering kitchen, which will have a huge impact on students' lives, enabling them to develop skills and to live more independently.

School manager Madeline Sturrock said: "It will help their literacy and numeracy, and help them with life skills that you or I take for granted. Doing something they're interested in helps their behaviour, reduces stress and improves confidence. It is not just about getting a qualification but about using the kitchen as a vehicle to teach other things."

So we are inviting residents and local groups in Ealing such as Brownies, Scouts, Women's Institutes, Rotary Clubs, schools, and companies, to help raise the £58,000 needed to build the new kitchen by holding cake-baking competitions and sales.

So if you know a trifle from a tiramisu and a stollen from a sponge, contact the NAS on 020 7903 3522. Or you can email: or visit